Thursday, September 26, 2013

Project: Super Ultimate Robot

Due in class: October 10th

Create Your Own “Super Ultimate Robot”

You have been hired to create the ultimate robot for Mr. Joel Industries. Your robot must be capable of accomplishing various tasks. You then will present this robot to your classmates and the best robot will be chosen.

You will need a photo of your robot, as well as a list of all of the different chores or abilities that he has. Use this page to plan. Make sure you write full sentences and make sure your robot’s abilities are interesting if you want your robot to be chosen!

My robot’s name is: __________________________________________________.
Robot’s abilities: ex: He can wash a car. He can walk my dog.

Write your sentences here... 

Illustrate 3 of your robot’s abilities!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Project: Restaurant Mix-Up

This project is due:  October 9th.

The Great Restaurant Mix-up!

The Situation: You go to eat a nice meal at Chez Jacques, the most “chic” restaurant in Beloeil. Unfortunately your waiter is very confused and messes up the order. Create a short 2-3 minute skit to present to your class. You will be evaluated on the written text, as well as your mini presentation.

The order:

What the waiter brought:

Main course:

Mayne corez???





Now use this information to brainstorm a short skit demonstrating the situation. Take notes to help write your text. You need to include:

Arriving at the restaurant:

The waiter taking your order:

The waiter bringing the wrong order:

Your reactions to the waiter:

How the waiter fixed the situation:

You leaving the restaurant:

The Wheels on the Bus

Friday, September 20, 2013

School Supplies and School Words: Spin Wheel Game

Grade 3 you are very lucky here is another game for you. This one not only reviews school supplies, but also school words, subjects and some actions.

See if you can challenge your friends or your parents!

Click here to play the Spin Wheel game

Are You Smarter Than an Egg Layer?

Here is a funny video to enjoy over the long weekend. Hope you get a good laugh.

Modal Auxiliaries: Practice!

I know you are very excited to practice using modal auxiliaries like we saw in class. Here is your chance. Try out this fun activity, it will take 5 minutes and it is a great practice.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Favourite Things

In class we have been working on our favourite things.

First we found many different categories, then we interviewed our friends.

Now it's time to have some fun. Print up this little board game and play with a friend.

Remember the question... What is your favourite...

Click here to download the game!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

If You're Happy and You Know It!

We learned the words and practiced the song If You're Happy and You Know It!

Monday, September 16, 2013

School Supplies: Pirate Game

If you still don't know your school supplies by heart, grab a friend and check out this amazing pirate game. The person who knows their words will sink the other ship! Good luck!

Try it out, click here:
School Supplies: Pirate Game

Thursday, September 12, 2013

School Supplies - Talking Flashcards

Want some extra practice? Try out this song/rap to practice all of the school supplies and pronunciation.

Conversation in a Restaurant. Ordering Food.

In class we looked at the different sentences you need to order at the restaurant. Here is a great practice of many different sentences you can use. Try them out.

No More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed!

We practiced the song No More Monkeys. Have fun with this animated video!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mr. Chinny Chin Chin

We had fun with the story: Mr. Chinny Chin Chin.

Knock knock.

Peek in.

Open the door.

Walk in.

How do you do, Mr. Chinny Chin Chin?


We have just started our first unit on Pizza, Restaurants and food.

As a little challenge... can you name all of the ingredients in the picture?

Monday, September 9, 2013

School Supplies

We just started this year learning our school supplies in English.

Want some extra practice? Make sure you know these by heart!

Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?

We have been working on the story Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar these past weeks. Here is a fun little video.

Knock Knock

For the first week have been practicing a little story.

Knock knock. 

Who's there? 

Mr. Joel! 

Good morning, Mr. Joel.