Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Project: Restaurant Mix-Up

This project is due:  October 9th.

The Great Restaurant Mix-up!

The Situation: You go to eat a nice meal at Chez Jacques, the most “chic” restaurant in Beloeil. Unfortunately your waiter is very confused and messes up the order. Create a short 2-3 minute skit to present to your class. You will be evaluated on the written text, as well as your mini presentation.

The order:

What the waiter brought:

Main course:

Mayne corez???





Now use this information to brainstorm a short skit demonstrating the situation. Take notes to help write your text. You need to include:

Arriving at the restaurant:

The waiter taking your order:

The waiter bringing the wrong order:

Your reactions to the waiter:

How the waiter fixed the situation:

You leaving the restaurant:

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